The benefit of working with trustworthy people

Chris Lacey
1 min readFeb 11, 2021
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Often times in life you’ll have to make a decision on who you want to work with. Maybe’s its a customer, a new boss, a coworker on a project. When making that decision it’s not often that we make the choice through the lens of trust.

When deciding who to work with you should consider how trustworthy that person is. Being alongside some you can trust has lots of underappreciated benefits. Trustworthy people do the right thing when your not there. Trustworthy people commit and do what they say they will. Trustworthy people step up to the plate and help you in times of need. Trustworthy people operate in an ethical way. Trustworthy people operate professionally and respectfully in how they work with you. Trustworthy people deliver on their work.

It’s the little things that count when you work with others. Does someone show up on time? Do they speak negatively about you behind your back? Or do they operate in an ethical way. These things aren’t big by themselves, but when you don’t have to worry about these things, your life becomes a lot more enjoyable.

Dealing with trustworthy people is a dream. Find them where ever you can.



Chris Lacey

Sharing some thoughts and a few observations along the way.