Managing multiple teams
Sometimes as a Leader you are designated the role of leading multiple teams. Managing multiple teams has it owns challenges. You need to speak the language of the two different teams. Ensure that processes and cultures are similar across the teams, and make sure that you understand the impact of each teams work on the whole group.
Managing multiple teams is a juggling act, but what you learn managing just the one team can be applied to managing multiple teams.
Managers leading multiple teams, need to master the art of flicking between the teams.
You need to jump into team meetings with both groups, chip in and help out with extra work that needs to be done across the teams. You need to know the challenges and the wins that each team has, and you need to be aware of what the teams are working on.
The more involved you can get with teams the more connected they will feel with you. By being connected to the different teams you can set expectations with each one, and then ensure they are meeting their goals and targets.
Managing both teams requires effort and focus from you as the leader. You need to be constantly flicking between all your responsibilities. Its difficult, but certainly can be done.